Find out why you should go for an Eye Checkup at an Ottawa Optometrist Clinic

Have you gotten your monthly eye treatment yet? Nope? Well, it’s your time to get an appointment with a qualified and skillful Ottawa optometrist right away. There are many medical reasons why everyone should have regular eye checkups.

Some of them are as below:    

It might seem weird but yes, high blood pressure affects your eyes to some extent. When a
person is suffering from hypertension, chances are that this disease can strain the eye vessels
and optic nerve resulting in poor eye vision. So, whether you have an appointment with a skilled
optometrist in Nepean or Ottawa, make sure that you tell the specialist about your high
blood pressure issue. Hypertension doesn’t cause low vision but because it might make
the vessels bleed, brain damage or permanent blindness could be its consequences.
Hence, it’s not at all preferred to ignore this condition.            


Well, it’s quite known to almost everyone that diabetes has various side-effects to the
body, one of which is low vision. Scheduling an appointment with an eye clinic in
Ottawa is one of the first things to do when you are found diagnosed with diabetes. Not just for
the poor eyesight, diabetes can even result in clouding of the eye lens, which makes it difficult to
see. Young kids of the age 2-5 years are more likely to have diabetes. Therefore, regular diabetes
checkup along with eye checkup is as vital as other body checkups. The high sugar level in your
body results in many other eye issues that are important to be treated.         

Diabetes normally leads to glaucoma that creates a cloud on the eye lens. Vision loss is what
glaucoma does. The vision loss could be progressive or permanent. It might shock you that
glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness among people worldwide. Only certified 
optometrists in Ottawa can diagnose and treat glaucoma and it’s most common form open
angle glaucoma. Even if you have twenty-twenty vision, glaucoma develops anyway. Hence,
treating it before it gets worst is the best thing to do. Therefore, a regular eye health check is
what you should do on the priority basis.     
Unseen Vision Issues

A strong vision is what anyone needs to live life freely and safely. Someone with low eyesight
can understand the pain of depending on spectacles the entire day and sometimes nights as
well. Regular eye tests are vital, especially for kids. The reason is that kids normally can’t judge
the difference between normal and unusual eye vision. So, it requires a specialist to ensure that
your kid has healthy eyes. Moreover, some hidden vision issues are also detectable and
treatable if you consult a skilled eye specialist in Ottawa.

Macular Degeneration  

With the passage of time, you might face the issue of seeing imprecise images in front of the age.
It’s a disease, which damages the macula, which is the important part of the retina helping to
centralize the vision. People over 60 years face this issue and lose ninety percent vision.
Therefore, proper treatment is required.

In a nutshell
Whether you are an adult, old, or a kid, make sure that you visit an Optometrist near me once
a month. This will provide you with clear vision and timely treatment to prevent further risks.  
